I also write about fitness issues. I have published a book "Never Get Old" (http://www.jeffblairfitness.com/) that is a great beginner's fitness manual. I give you a step-by-step guide to starting and (more importantly) maintaining a fitness program. Motivational tips, great websites, fitness contracts, and successful goal-setting are all covered!
I have also published articles in the Spectrum Athletic Clubs Magazine, elitefts.com, and ezine.com. I am recognized by ezine.com as a fitness expert author.
Many companies publish employee newsletters. Ever think about adding a regular "fitness success" article to the newsletter?
Or maybe your church or synagogue sends a newsletter to the members? A fitness article can really help your members get started and succeed.
Even fitness professionals and doctors can increase patient and client retention with the addition of a fitness article or regular newsletter.
Please contact me if I can help your organization educate your members on fitness and health. Reasonable rates are available.
My cell is 310-497-0863 and my email is jeffblair@jeffblairfitness.com.