Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Opportunity Knocks...or I Help You Get What You Want?

As I was thinking how I can best utilize my skills within the fitness industry, I thought some of the questionable marketing tactics in this industry are really an opportunity.

I base all my ideas, suggestions, programs on proven ideas that help people live better after the age of 30 and try to limit the hype.

There is no greater professional honor than when someone trusts and relies upon your opinions, programs, etc. because you have built trust with that person. It is a very fulfilling experience! It is also why I spend tons of free time going to seminars, scouring research, studying anatomy, advancing my education, practicing my communication skills, etc.

Oh yeah, the power of resistance-training to improve lives is amazing. One example-75 year old men can make better strength gains than men around 25 years old on the same program! (Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 55(11):M641-8, 2000 Nov.).

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