Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama, Palin and You

As I followed some of the political news this week, a few things stuck out to me.

1. Obama and Palin are certainly non-traditional in many ways. I can guarantee you both of them have had lots of doubters along the way.

Obama: from a single parent household, no family money or connections, has only been in the Senate two years, very young by presidential standards.....

Palin: Mother of five (!), only two years as governor, from a tiny population state......

Yet, in a couple of months, one will be at the absolute highest level on the political food chain.

2. Both stories are unlikely in so many ways. I do not know either one, but I can guarantee they are both persistent and work hard.

In this country, ANYTHING is possible. The SKY is the limit. If you set your mind on something and work harder than you think is possible, you can achieve anything.

Here's wishing you untraditional success!

Never Get Old, at, offers a blueprint for lifetime physical success. Get started on your dream today!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

YouTube and Exercise

YouTube can be a good place to learn some good training information. Of course, it can also be a bad place to learn! It just depends on who you are listening to.

I am posting some clips on YouTube.

In this clip, I show you part of an outdoor workout I perform using a weighted vest. Weighted vests can be used for a variety of exercises.

In this video, I demonstrate pushups with the weighted vest.

Check it out and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Love to Jump!

Jumping is one of my favorite things in the world.

I feel 100% alive when doing plyometrics or simple jump training.

Jumping is essentially about power and relative strength.

I have a pretty decent vert since I am pretty strong, am not very heavy, and train power specifically.

If you are not training power, you are losing it.

If you have ankle, knee, hip, or low back issues, you should check with your doc before starting jumping exercises.

Warm up 10 minutes and start slowly with power training.

Gradually jump a little higher over time.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Alabama imposes "fat tax"

Alabama is starting to charge state workers who do not show progress in weight-loss efforts a $25 per month "fat tax". The overweight workers must pay a portion of health insurance offered by the state.

The reality is fat loss is a goal of many adults. Even professional athletes can put on some extra weight in the off-season.

What are my "top tips" for fat loss? Train to maintain or increase muscle mass, limit restaurant meals, and vary intensity in workouts. My programming methods focus on making adult athletes stronger and more powerful. As a by-product, they also lose body fat.

I have created a great plan for lasting fat loss at with my book "Never Get Old." Unlike most books, "Never Get Old" is not a quick fix. Rather it shows you how to establish life-long habits that actually make it enjoyable to lose body fat and feel great. I have actually done all the design and lay it out for you in simple every day terms.

I suspect many states will also follow with "fat taxes". Corporations will likely follow suit soon.

Take some action today. Why wait?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I am working on....

I am a HUGE believer in walking my talk. Although my schedule is quite busy, I stay committed to my workouts.

My current focus is primarily power. I have posted video on here of my plyometric program. I just love to jump, run, and perform other power-based exercises. I want to dunk a basketball on January 11, 2009-my 42nd birthday!

As an athlete, power is crucial to you. If you do not specifically train power, you will lose power. If you lose power, your sporting success will decline.

I can design a power program for you that can be delivered via the Internet. Contact me today to improve your power and kick-butt on the field!

Olympics and You

These Olympics have been an amazing sight. Nowhere else is the beauty of sport shown so clearly.

Whether you watch running, diving, volleyball, or some other sport, we are all able to enjoy the splendor of athletic excellence.

You may not be an Olympian, but you can also enjoy the joy of sport. I specialize in Master athletes, and Master athletes have special needs.

Athletes who train with me are able to succeed at their sport and feel great in the process.

Life is short- play sports!

If you are looking to kick-start your program, get my book Never Get Old at You will soon be making great strides towards your athletic goals!

Small-Group Training: Fun and Effective!

One of my training specialities is small-group training. With small groups, training is actually more fun than one-on-one training. A competitive, but supportive, atmosphere develops among the athletes.

If you are interested in the highest quality athletic personal training, contact me at Although I have limited availability due to my current speaking, writing, teaching, training and business activities, I usually have a few hours per week open in my schedule for new clients. I always try to take on new clients since that keeps me learning new things.

Firemen Deserve our Support!

I was recently asked to help design some exercise programming for the Los Angeles Fire Department.

As I performed my research for this task, I learned even more about how demanding of a job fireman is.

They obviously have to endure great heat, carry heavy packs, and move in strange positions.

I am honored to be able to contribute in a small way to this noble profession. If you see a fireman today, thank him or her for what they do for all of us!

Good Times

I had a good August!

I recieved my Master's Degree in Sports Conditioning earlier in the month. I am happy to report I maintained a 4.0 GPA during the program.

The same day I recieved my Master's in Sports Conditioning, I accepted an adjunct faculty position from AT Still University in Mesa, Arizona. I will now get an opportunity to perform some research on athletes and performance improvement.

With my Master's degree, years of experience, and faculty appointment, I am very excited about the future!

If I can help you improve your athletic performance, please contact me