Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Alabama imposes "fat tax"

Alabama is starting to charge state workers who do not show progress in weight-loss efforts a $25 per month "fat tax". The overweight workers must pay a portion of health insurance offered by the state.

The reality is fat loss is a goal of many adults. Even professional athletes can put on some extra weight in the off-season.

What are my "top tips" for fat loss? Train to maintain or increase muscle mass, limit restaurant meals, and vary intensity in workouts. My programming methods focus on making adult athletes stronger and more powerful. As a by-product, they also lose body fat.

I have created a great plan for lasting fat loss at www.jeffblairfitness.com with my book "Never Get Old." Unlike most books, "Never Get Old" is not a quick fix. Rather it shows you how to establish life-long habits that actually make it enjoyable to lose body fat and feel great. I have actually done all the design and lay it out for you in simple every day terms.

I suspect many states will also follow with "fat taxes". Corporations will likely follow suit soon.

Take some action today. Why wait?

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