Friday, May 30, 2008

10 year Anniversary!

10 years ago today I was 40 pounds overweight.

I attended a conference in Texas in June 1998. After returning from the conference in June 1998, I reviewed pictures and a video. I no longer recognized the man in the pictures. What had happened to my once great physical condition, I wondered?

Sick of my condition, I started walking at lunch while working as a lawyer. Small step by small step, I increased my activity and lost fat.

Each success lead to another success. I started to eat better. I looked much better. My energy soared. Soon, I felt like I was "turning back time."

Seeing (and feeling) my physical transformation was one of the funnest things I have ever experienced! This summer I am celebrating my 10 year anniversary of "turning back time".

Today, I am in great shape. I am 5'10" and weigh a lean 190 lbs.

I am 41 years old. I can easily bench press over 350 pounds and squat and deadlift well over 400 pounds. I won a weight-lifting competition this year that was open to all ages.

I have run a marathon and even completed an Ironman-distance triathlon. I can jump up and grab a 10 foot basketball rim. I am hoping to dunk a basketball on my 42nd birthday!

I tell you these facts since 10 years ago I thought my days of serious physical activity were ancient history. I was WRONG!

Scientific research shows we can be strong, powerful, lean, and vibrant at almost any age. And I mean ANY age. My experience and the experience of countless people I have trained confirms the research.

Unless you are over 80, do not try to tell me you are too old. "Too old" is an excuse. And an illegitimate one.

Lose the excuses. Start walking today. Take some action-ANY ACTION! My book, Never Get Old, at, can show you how.

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