Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reading Makes a Difference

I spend lots of time reading about health and fitness. But I also read other things. A balanced life requires varied interests.

Here are three books that really impacted me:

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

I loved the story-telling of The Fountainhead. I know many critics say it is not great literature. However, it really impacted my view on work and life.

My take-home message: Find your life's work and then work hard at it. If you are not initially successful, work a little harder. The best marketing strategy is a high-quality product. For me, this means I am always trying to learn more about fitness and health to increase my skills.

Walden by Thoreau

Thoreau's message was simplify your life and eliminate unimportant things. This book was a huge impetus for my career change a few years ago. I had always loved exercise, and I wanted to make my living in that field. It was important to me to work in a field where I had great personal interest.

My take-home message: Ask yourself what you value (not what everyone else values or what you think you should value). Then eliminate things that do not advance your values or interests. This gives you more time to focus on how you want to live your life.

Washington: The Indispensable Man by James Thomas Flexner

Now this is what I call a motivational book! I am a presidential biography geek. I love reading them! They always have dry spots, but I learn massive amounts from the stories.

My take-home message: Washington's perseverance, leadership, and service ethic were superhuman. He is definitely on my short list of heros!

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