Saturday, May 24, 2008

Raising the Intensity....The Right Way!

Do you ever feel "stuck" in your training? Are your workouts becoming boring and "ho-hum?"
When I feel that way, I increase my intensity and that pushes me forward to the next level.
At the right, I have just finished running six short but fast running sessions.

I feel great after these intense workouts. You should also look for ways to increase your intensity once you have established a consistent routine.

There are several reasons to do this:

1. Higher intensity=More Effort=More Calories Burned in a shorter time period.

2. Your body may be in a "rut". I find shaking up the routine a bit can be the "jolt" that pushes you out of the rut.

3. It is fun to change things. It keeps you mentally involved and feels good.

You should consult your doctor before increasing intensity. Also, be conservative initially and build your intensity over time.

For more information on creating a permanent fitness lifestyle allowing you to permanently lose fat and feel better at any age, check out Never Get Old at

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