Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Breakfast of Champions

It sounds almost cliche, but breakfast is certainly the most important meal of the day.

Comppletely unscientific, but here are a few reasons breakfast is so important...

1. If you get some food first thing in the morning, you are less likely to get super-hungry as the day progresses. When you are super-hungry, it is much easier to make bad eating choices;

2. My observation/experience is people who do not eat brekfast often eat large portions late at night. Eating large portions late at night is not a good eating strategy;

3. Ideally, your eating should mirror your activity level. If you do not eat in the morning, it is going to be hard to fuel good workouts later in the day.

So, eat your Wheaties, your omelette, or your oatmeal. Your performance will definitely benefit. :-)


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